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Last Few Days Strategy Before Exam

Now few days are left for examination and most of the students are confused about how to plan and prepare for the final showdown. You all have been studying so hard from past few months to crack the exams and must have gone through the whole syllabus once.

Now its time to introduce smart work in the picture. So in this blog We are going to share you some good  strategy for your insight. 

Stick to a Routine- It is very important to make a routine for each subject & stick to it. Every day is crucial. Hence, you need to use it wisely and make most out of it. Prioritize the scoring & easy chapters and devote time according to weightage.

Revision- Revision is the most important step of the preparations as it helps us to recall the concepts that have already been studied earlier. Sit and make a revision plan for each subject. Set daily targets and complete the portions you have decided. Allocate your time to each subject in a way you see fit. Do not waste your time on any new chapter during this time.

Weightage wise coverage- It is important to revise those portions first which are strong, will take less time and has more marks wise weightage in the exams. It is not possible to revise everything now as also on day before exam so ensure that you revise these easy & strong portions in these days so that you can invest your time on the relatively tough topics on the day before exams.

RTPs & MTPs- Refer Revision Test Papers (RTPs) and Mock Test Papers (MTPs) of the current term, as these continue to be the most effective tools for effective preparation for the challenging examinations. Any new type of question in RTP & MTP might come in exams, so ensure you mark those questions and practice them on day before exam too.

Tough Topics- Do not leave them entirely. There is a high probability that the same kind of questions come from them. Do the RTPs & MTPs of those chapters

Amendments- Pay special attention to chapters which has amendments as questions from those chapters will likely come in exam.

Be Calm & Focused- prioritize your studies & be focused on it entirely. Avoid all the distractions at any cost.  Stop using Social Media till Exams. It is important to follow a healthy routine. Go to bed on time and wake up early. Ensure a 7 to 8 hours sleep to keep yourself active throughout the day.

We hope this post will give you a fair idea about your planning. To summarize it all, here is the essence of the whole   blog.