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My ideal Guru

निवर्तयत्यन्यजनं प्रमादतः स्वयं च निष्पापपथे प्रवर्तते । गुणाति तत्त्वं हितमिच्छुरंगिनाम् शिवार्थिनां यः स गुरु र्निगद्यते ॥
जो दूसरों को प्रमाद करने से रोकते हैं, स्वयं निष्पाप रास्ते से चलते हैं, हित और कल्याण की कामना रखनेवाले को तत्त्वबोध करते हैं, उन्हें गुरु कहते हैं ।

On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima, I extend my gratitude towards all the Gurus who came across my life and shaped it as it is today. In this era of jealous, hatred, ignorance and lies, it is only the Guru who makes you understand the true worth of you and your life. 

The word Guru is derived from two words ‘gu’ and ‘ru’. “Gu means darkness or ignorance and Ru means remover of that darkness”. Therefore, a Guru is one who removes the darkness of your ignorance.

I am always grateful to all Gurus who came across my life:

My Parents, Grandparents, Family, Kamal Masterji, Pankaj Sir, School teachers, Nag Sir, Kundu Sir, Verma Sir, J.C Sir, Amit Sir, Bhawana ma’am, Sudarshan Sir, Vivek Soni Sir, Alok Sir, Nishant Bhaiya, Vinod Kothari Sir and all others.

As I mentor you all today, I want you to understand who really a Guru is.

  • The one who makes you realise the true value of your life;
  • The one who selflessly imparts all knowledge he has;
  • The one who realises your true worth and shapes you to be better;
  • The one who helps you to discover your potential;
  • The one who teaches you to live, to serve, to work;
  • The one who dispels the darkness and takes you towards light.
It is very difficult to get a true Guru but if you get one always be grateful to God for having him by your side.