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Things to learn from a Chartered Accountant

access_time 1615290240000 face Team Navin Classes
Things to learn from a Chartered Accountant 10th March 2021 No one understands the importance of teamwork better than a Chartered Accountant. Any student who is planning to be a professional CA in future has to learn how important team contribution is in this field of learning. "Collaboration" is th...

If trading on equity is important, why did Reliance made itself debt free

access_time 1594567260000 face Dhruv Agarwal, Piyush Jajodia
If trading on equity is important, why did Reliance made itself debt free 12th July 2020 This 2 answers were best of the lot- By piyush jajodia (CMA Inter Dec 2020): Now, I want to bring some factors behind the reason why RELIANCE BECOME NET DEBT FREE even if there is importance of trading on equity...

My ideal Guru

access_time 1593948600000 face Avinash Sancheti
My ideal Guru निवर्तयत्यन्यजनं प्रमादतः स्वयं च निष्पापपथे प्रवर्तते । गुणाति तत्त्वं हितमिच्छुरंगिनाम् शिवार्थिनां यः स गुरु र्निगद्यते ॥ जो दूसरों को प्रमाद करने से रोकते हैं, स्वयं निष्पाप रास्ते से चलते हैं, हित और कल्याण की कामना रखनेवाले को तत्त्वबोध करते हैं, उन्हें गुरु कहते हैं । On this au...

Accrual Concept

access_time 1593927000000 face CA/CS Inter Students
Accrual Concept The accrual concept is one of the three fundamental accounting assumption. Accrual implies recognition of revenue and expenses as they are earned or incurred and not when they are received or paid. Need for accrual concept: A business entity regularly undertakes credit transactions l...